EB-5 can provide significant amounts of critical funding towards getting a project the additional capital it needs to get the project off the ground.
Using EB-5 funds as a part of the overall financing package replaces some of the domestic sources of funds that may not be currently available or are cost prohibitive. |
SSRC and the Regional Development Agencies are using SSRC investment capital to assist in balancing several factors that influence both the timing and capital requirements to fund development activities. SSRC has expertise in assisting Regional Development Agencies in all facets of the capital stack that include a suite of investment options. SSRC will combine many forms of investment, grants, tax credits, loans, bonds and local government credit enhancements such that a project developer will need less capital to carry out projects, and more projects will get done.
Regional Development Agencies will benefit by stimulating economic growth, but also, by working with SSRC, Regional Development Agencies will create a revenue stream for their agency by participation in the interest charged on the capital that SSRC loans to various development projects.
The bottom line is invested capital from SSRC begins the chain reaction of economic development that creates significant new development projects and creates employment for a long period of time. Without the basic core of capital, no new jobs can be created. Southern States Regional Center is a true strategic partner to Regional Development Authorities. SSRC can provide much needed capital which will promote economic growth, improve regional productivity, create jobs and increase domestic capital investment all the while creating an additional revenue stream for the Regional Development Authority from the interest charged to each project.